Long Haired Akita

Long Haired Akitas are a really cool and special kind of dog. Even though they’re super pretty, they can’t join dog shows because they don’t meet certain rules. That means not as many official breeders choose to have them. But what makes them stand out is their long, fluffy fur that makes them look like teddy bears! And unlike the regular Akitas, which are sometimes a bit distant, these long-haired ones are often more chill and relaxed.

Long Haired Akitas, also called long-coat Akitas, are interesting dogs with a cool history and unique stuff about them. From where they come from to how they look and act, there’s a lot to learn and discover about these awesome dogs.

Long Haired Akita Origin and History

Long Haired Akitas first came from Japan a long time ago. People there used them for lots of stuff like hunting, guarding, and just being buddies. They were really important to the fancy folks in Japan and even showed up in paintings and stories. As time went on, they changed a bit, and their long fur became their special thing that made them different from other dogs.

Long Haired Akita

Ancient Beginnings

The Long Haired Akita breed comes from Japan’s Akita Prefecture, where it was first trained to hunt big animals like deer, boars, and even bears. These dogs were great at hunting because they were strong, fast, and had sharp senses, which helped them navigate challenging landscapes.

Imperial Favor

During the feudal era in Japan, the Akita breed gained recognition and favour among the nobility, particularly the Samurai warriors and aristocrats. They were revered for their loyalty, courage, and protective instincts.

Modern Development

In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, the Akita breed faced several challenges, including crossbreeding with other dog types and wartime hardships. However, efforts by dedicated breed enthusiasts led to the preservation and promotion of the purebred Akita, including those with long coats.

Long Haired Akita Physical Characteristics

Long Haired Akita exhibit striking physical features that set them apart from their short-coated counterparts. Understanding these characteristics can provide insights into their care and maintenance.

Luxurious Coat

The most distinguishing feature of the Long Haired Akita is, of course, its luxurious coat. Unlike the short-haired variety, long-coat Akitas boast a thick double coat that can be straight or slightly wavy. This dense fur protects against harsh weather conditions, making it well-suited for colder climates.

Muscular Build

Beneath their impressive coat, long-haired American Akita have a sturdy and muscular build. They possess a robust frame with a broad chest and muscular limbs, reflecting their heritage as working dogs bred for strength and endurance.

Distinctive Markings

Long coat Akitas often exhibit the same striking colour patterns and markings as their short-haired counterparts. These may include variations of white, red, brindle, or sesame, with distinct facial masks and markings that add to their allure.

Size and Proportion

In terms of size, long-haired Akitas typically fall within the same range as standard Akitas. They are a large breed, with males standing around 26 to 28 inches at the shoulder and females slightly smaller. Despite their size, they move with grace and agility.

Long-Haired American Akita Temperament and Behavior

Long Haired Akita

The temperament and behaviour of long-haired American Akitas are influenced by both genetics and upbringing. Understanding these traits is essential for providing them with proper care and training.

Loyal Companions

Long haired Akitas are renowned for their unwavering loyalty and devotion to their families. They form strong bonds with their owners and thrive on companionship and affection. However, their loyalty can also translate into protectiveness, making early socialization crucial.

Independent Nature

Despite their loyalty, long haired Akitas have an independent streak inherited from their ancestors. They are known for their dignified demeanour and self-assuredness, which may be mistaken for aloofness by those unfamiliar with the breed.

Alert and Watchful

Long coat Akitas possess keen senses and a natural instinct to protect their territory. They are vigilant watchdogs, alerting their owners to any potential threats or intruders. Early training can help channel this instinct into appropriate behaviour.

Gentle Giants

Long-haired Akitas are big and protective dogs, but they can also be very loving and kind to their families, especially kids. When they’re young, they need to meet different people and animals so they learn how to be friendly and get along well with others.

Akita Dog Long Hair Care and Training

Caring for a long haired Akita requires attention to grooming needs and consistent training to nurture its well-behaved nature.

Grooming Requirements

Because long haired Akitas have thick fur all over their bodies, they need to be brushed often to keep their fur healthy. This means brushing them a few times every week to stop their fur from tangling and to get rid of any loose hair, especially when they shed more during certain times of the year.

Bathing and Hygiene

It’s essential to give long haired Akitas a bath now and then to keep their fur nice and clean. But it’s best not to bathe them too often because it can remove the natural oils from their fur, which might make their skin dry and itchy. When you do bathe them, make sure to use a gentle dog shampoo that your vet suggests.

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Training and Socialization

Training long-haired Akitas when they’re young is essential to helping them become polite and well-behaved pets. Positive methods like treats and praise are excellent because they make dogs feel happy and build trust.

It’s also a good idea to let them meet lots of different people and animals early on so they learn how to behave nicely around others and don’t develop any nasty habits later on.

Exercise Needs

Longhaired Akitas don’t need too much exercise, but they still like to stay active. Taking them for regular walks, playing games, and doing activities that make them think are all great ways to keep them happy and healthy. This helps keep their bodies and minds busy, stopping them from getting bored and doing things you don’t want them to do.

Long Hair Akita Dog Lifespan

Long Haired Akita

The lifespan of a long-haired Akita can vary depending on various factors such as genetics, diet, exercise, and overall health care.

Average Lifespan

Long haired Akitas usually live for about 10 to 12 years, but with reasonable care, some can live even longer. It’s essential to take them to the vet regularly, feed them a balanced diet, and make sure they get enough exercise. Doing these things helps them stay healthy and live a longer, happier life.

Health Considerations

Just like any other type of dog, long-haired Akitas can have specific health problems. These might include things like hip dysplasia, which affects the hips, progressive retinal atrophy (PRA), which can lead to vision loss, and autoimmune disorders, where the body attacks itself. To lower the chances of these problems, it’s essential to breed Akitas responsibly and check for any genetic conditions beforehand.

Quality of Life

Providing a nurturing environment and meeting their physical and emotional needs are crucial to ensuring a high quality of life for long-haired Akitas in their senior years. Adjustments to diet, exercise, and veterinary care may be necessary to accommodate age-related changes.

Bottom Line

Long-haired Akitas are a captivating breed known for their beauty, loyalty, and distinctive personality. With proper care, training, and attention to their unique needs, they can make excellent companions for individuals and families alike.

Useful and Unique FAQs With Answer

Are long-haired Akitas suitable for apartment living?

Long-haired Akitas can adapt to apartment living with sufficient exercise and mental stimulation, but they require space to move around and thrive.

Do long-haired Akitas shed a lot?

Yes, long-haired Akitas shed moderately year-round and may experience heavier shedding during seasonal changes.

Are long-haired Akitas good with children?

Long-haired Akitas can be excellent with children when properly socialized and supervised, but early training and respect for the dog’s boundaries are essential.

Do long-haired Akitas get along with other pets?

Long-haired Akitas may coexist peacefully with other pets if introduced and appropriately socialized from a young age, but individual temperament and personality play

How much exercise do long-haired Akitas need?

Long-haired Akitas require daily exercise and mental stimulation, including walks, play sessions, and interactive games, to keep them happy and healthy.

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